Why Talk To Us About Abortion?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may think abortion is your only option. Being pressured by your partner or circumstances can make you feel like you should make an immediate choice. Take a deep breath. You don’t have to face this alone. There are certain things you need to know before making an

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What Are Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

With any medical procedure or medication, there are risks. One potential risk of both medical and surgical abortions is that the procedure will be incomplete.  An abortion is incomplete if fetal or placental tissue remains in the uterus. This can lead to a serious infection, which requires medical action to treat it.  Medical Abortion There

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Some people would tell you that there are no negative effects to abortion, either physical or mental. And some would tell you that the consequences are severe. At the Pregnancy Care Center of New York, we care about helping you to understand the facts so that you can make an educated choice that is in

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Have you recently had a positive pregnancy test? For women who feel unprepared to raise a child, seeking out abortion options is typically their next step. If that’s you, this is a safe place.  An abortion is a significant life event. Educating yourself on the details and side effects allows you to make a fully-informed

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Are you considering an abortion? For women experiencing an unintended pregnancy, it’s human to feel scared and just looking for a quick end to the problem.  Knowledge is powerful. It can ease your worries and give you confidence in your choices.  Before scheduling a termination procedure, take a few minutes to learn about the different

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